




Where Do The Therapists Go?

I was first introduced to Barbara Dickinson through a Physical Therapist she was assisting.  It was obvious she was highly educated in anatomy and physiology and she really seemed to connect with her patients.
Even as big as the Dallas Ft. Worth Metroplex is, it can be hard to find a good therapist that is “John Barnes trained” in Myofascial Release.  Many massage schools attempt to “teach” Myofascial release and unfortunately fail miserably in doing so.  Having been a therapist myself for over twenty years, I have found many who claim to “do” Myofascial Release but just cannot seem to connect.
Once Barbara treated me, I knew right away that she connected with the John Barnes approach and has learned her craft very well.  Her hands are gifted and she lets her spirit guide her.  I highly recommend this fine therapist.  “Where do the therapists go for treatment?”  I won’t go anywhere else but to Barbara Dickinson!
D. R. “D” Schieferstein, LMT, LMTI